We Join God in His Work of Renewal in the World in Four Key Ways:


City Renewal is a coalition of people seeking to bring the renewing work of the gospel to their neighbors. We empower those we serve in the way of Jesus with an aim to make apprentices of Jesus. Click the button to find out the ways you can join us.


We know God is close to the brokenhearted and his love shines brightly in the darkness. We work with the top non-profits to bring relief and help our brothers and sisters in crisis find the strength to move forward.


The church in America has a lot to learn from the global church and we have partnered with other churches and ministries to mobilize VCC to go to the nations, to make apprentices of Jesus and learn from our brother and sisters all over the world. Click the link for our upcoming trips and ways you can serve alongside of us.


Jesus commanded His followers to “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). That’s why VCC dedicates 10% of all giving to support 32 missionaries locally and globally. Our missionaries serve in Cambodia, the Caribbean, China, Guatemala, India, Iraq, Mexico, the Philippines, Russia, South Africa, Thailand, Spain, and Venezuela.

Stay updated on their work and learn how to pray for them with our Missions Prayer Guide, which helps you intercede for VCC-supported missionaries in unceasing prayer (Acts 12:5; Hebrews 4:16, 7:25).

We believe that mission is not a department of the church but, our vocation as the body of Christ.