Women’s Ministry is on a mission is to make, mature, and mobilize women in their faith journey. We offer dynamic, doctrinally sound studies and engaging biblical teachings that empower women to understand and share their faith with confidence. Our VCC Women’s Team is dedicated to creating fun and meaningful opportunities for women to connect, build lasting friendships, and grow together in their knowledge and love for Christ.
women’s Bible Study | SpRING
Make plans to join the Women’s Bible Study for our spring study, Saved: Experiencing the Promise of the Book of Acts, by Nancy Guthrie. The study kicks off the week of January 12th and will end the week of May 18th. Groups meet on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in person or online.
Click the link below to get all the details and to register!
Moms of teens, this life can be so busy and lonely that we forget God gives us community! Join other moms each month on the third Wednesday, 7PM-9PM, as we pray for one another and for our kids.