Valley Community Church (VCC) has a rich tradition of helping church members, as well as our Tri-Valley neighbors, when they are facing an unexpected financial hardship. The VCC Benevolence funds are donated by our congregation to help bridge a gap when unforeseen troubles arise. The fund is for one-time help to cover basic necessities.


Who is the Benevolence fund designed to help?


The first purpose of the VCC Benevolence Fund is to help Valley Community Church members and regular attendees. You are considered a Valley Community Church member if you have completed your requirements for membership and are registered as a member. You are considered a regular attendee if you have regularly attended Valley Community Church for three to six months, have filled out a Connect card, or have joined a ComGroup.

For VCC members or regular attendees, the Benevolence Fund can help cover:

  • Utilities

  • Transportation

  • Rent

  • Food

We cannot pay credit card bills, fines, storage fees, or attorney fees.


The second purpose of the VCC Benevolence Fund is to help our neighbors in Pleasanton, Dublin, and Livermore. For our Tri-Valley neighbors, who live in Pleasanton, Dublin, or Livermore we can help cover an unexpected financial hardship in one of the following areas:

  • Utilities

  • Transportation

  • Food

Please note, we cannot help neighbors with rent at this time unless they have been referred by one of our partners. We cannot pay credit card bills, fines, storage fees, medical bills, or attorney fees.

A volunteer team manages the Benevolence Fund requests. As we are a small team managing a small fund, please know the process can take time. Once you have submitted your form, someone from the team will acknowledge your request within 48 hours. To help us prayerfully consider your request, please completely answer all the questions on the Benevolence Request Form and provide copies of your bills. If you are requesting help with a bill, we cannot move forward on your request until you provide us a copy of your bill.


¿A quién está diseñado el fondo Benevolence para ayudar?


El primer propósito del Fondo de Benevolencia de VCC es ayudar a los miembros y asistentes habituales de Valley Community Church. Se le considera miembro de Valley Community Church si ha completado los requisitos de membresía y está registrado como miembro. Se le considera un asistente habitual si ha asistido regularmente a Valley Community Church durante tres a seis meses, ha completado una tarjeta Connect o se ha unido a un ComGroup.

Para los miembros de VCC o asistentes habituales, el Fondo de Benevolencia puede ayudar a cubrir:

  • Utilidades

  • Transporte

  • Alquiler

  • Alimento

No podemos pagar facturas de tarjetas de crédito, multas, tarifas de almacenamiento ni honorarios de abogados.


El segundo propósito del Fondo de Benevolencia de VCC es ayudar a nuestros vecinos de Pleasanton, Dublin y Livermore. Para nuestros vecinos de Tri-Valley, que viven en Pleasanton, Dublin o Livermore, podemos ayudar a cubrir una dificultad financiera inesperada en una de las siguientes áreas:

  • Utilidades

  • Transporte

  • Alimento

Tenga en cuenta que no podemos ayudar a los vecinos con el alquiler en este momento a menos que hayan sido recomendados por uno de nuestros socios. No podemos pagar facturas de tarjetas de crédito, multas, tarifas de almacenamiento, facturas médicas ni honorarios de abogados.

Un equipo de voluntarios gestiona las solicitudes del Fondo de Benevolencia. Como somos un equipo pequeño que administra un fondo pequeño, el proceso puede llevar tiempo. Una vez que haya enviado su formulario, alguien del equipo acusará recibo de su solicitud dentro de las 48 horas. Para ayudarnos a considerar su solicitud en oración, responda completamente todas las preguntas del Formulario de solicitud de benevolencia y proporcione copias de sus facturas. Si solicita ayuda con una factura, no podemos avanzar con su solicitud hasta que nos proporcione una copia de su factura.

Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.
— Matthew 25:40