REFUGE is a middle school community that seeks to be a place where students can find refuge in Jesus. We embody this vision by communicating:

1. You are welcome here.

2. Your friends are welcome here.

3. Your questions are welcome here.

We believe that the good news of Jesus is that he overcomes the barriers we create, enters into our situation, and invites us in with welcoming arms to be with him and to participate in what He is doing in the world. We also believe that young disciples of Jesus are fully legitimate disciples of Jesus, and that’s how we treat our students! Refuge is fun, welcoming, and admittedly a little crazy, and we welcome every middle school student to check us out!

Follow us on social media! @refugevcc


‘Xtreme Camp


Xtreme Camp is our annual summer camp connected with Refuge Middle School Ministry at Valley Community Church. This camp is an opportunity for retreat from our normal fast-paced schedules where we emphasize building community and creating a space where students can experience the presence of God.
We will be heading over to Felton, CA (Santa Cruz County) for a fun week of everything that makes our summer camps so great: tons of time to be with your friends, memorable activities, and huge opportunities to grow in your faith. We hope that this summer is one that each middle schooler will remember for years to come! For more detailed information, contact brett@vc.church.

Registration opens March 13th.



9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Sunday mornings are all about exploring Scripture in a way that is engaging, fun, and interesting.  We believe that God actively and relevantly speaks through the Bible and it’s exciting to be able to explore it. Join us in the hall (the building right next to the sanctuary) during the first service as we grow together in biblical literacy and spiritual hunger. Please contact Brett Johnson at brett@vc.church with any questions.


6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Tuesday nights are just the best.  They’re crazy fun, they have a really welcoming atmosphere, and are the perfect place to come and see what Refuge is all about.  The night starts with an awesome game (such as Human Hungry Hungry Hippos, Life-Sized Clue, Christmas Carol Rap Battles, etc.), moves into a message, and then students break off into small groups led by our committed and compassionate adult leaders. Come and see what our community is all about!

If you are planning on joining us for Refuge, we are also providing dinner at 6PM before the night begins for your student. We would love to see you!


3:30 PM-5:00 PM

Students who are especially interested in exploring the Bible can join Summit. Summit is designed to foster a genuine love for reading the Bible by empowering students with some helpful skills to engage with it and ultimately learn to love the Bible. We enthusiastically believe that the Bible is interesting, exciting, and alive, and learning how to read it is a crucial (and even a fun) part of following Jesus.

Reach out to Brett at brett@vc.church if your student is interested in joining us!



Brett Johnson
Middle School Ministry Director

Kyle Newman
Middle School Ministry