BecomIng a Covenant Member
Christians are not lone rangers, but covenant members: members of the body of Jesus Christ who has drawn us into His covenant embrace. Covenant Membership, or simply church membership, is faith incarnate: individual faith lived out in the corporate body of Christ. As a body we have different roles, but when one of us hurts, we all hurt (1 Corinthians 12:12). We are not club members, but family members who are accountable to care for one another (Matthew 12:49-50). We have one Spirit, one Father, and one Elder Brother: Jesus Christ. We belong to Him and therefore to one another. Read the information below to find out how to become a member here at Valley Community Church.
1. Watch the videos below on membership and our core beliefs, distinctives, and practices.
2. Memorize our Mission Statement and our Seven Practices of Apprenticeship.
3. Write down your story of how you came to know Jesus and who He is to you today.
4. Register for and attend the next Membership Class.
5. Sign the Membership Covenant and attend our New Member Celebration Sunday.
Article 1
Article 2
Article 3
Article 4
Article 5
Article 6
Article 7
In what we call our Five Distinctives, we explore five historic and global practices that have always made the church distinctive. In the first few centuries, Christians were severely persecuted as they refused to worship Caesar or other gods. Followers of Jesus were considered too narrow, too exclusive, and a threat to the social order. The Church was a contrast community, a strange counterculture that was both offensive and yet attractive to many. What were the practices that made them a benevolent contrast community throughout the world and throughout the centuries? Five faithful practices of love that were born of the Gospel!
Take time to memorize our mission statement and our seven apprenticeship practices! But do not worry, we are on the honor system so you will not be tested.
Membership Class Details
Upon completion of the above, we invite you to attend the next Membership Class in the Seminar Room after second service where we will provide lunch and childcare.
The Class consists of:
- Sharing our stories at round tables
- Teaching on VCC's history, leadership structures, and important policies
- Q&A
- Next Steps & Serving Opportunities
We are thrilled that you are considering becoming a covenant member of Valley Community Church! Bylaws can be reviewed here. If you have any questions about the information provided please let us know at