Doing Life Together

Compassion and La Hermosa staff

Apprenticeship to Jesus is a holistic way of seeing and being in the world. It is how we imagine the world and how we inhabit the world. It is the way by which we become the image bearers of God we were created to be, and the ordained process by which we are conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. 

Our partnership with Compassion International allows us to join the holistic development of every child that finds themselves in the La Hermosa (our church partner) Compassion Center while our partnership with HOPE International provides discipleship opportunities, training, and a safe place to save money and provide loans in the community. 

Guatemala Trip 2024



Following the Missions Conference and hearing from HOPE International’s CEO, Peter Greer, we’re ready to move from equipping to action! As part of our commitment to global missions, we’re expanding Hope Savings Groups in Central America by continuing to support children and families through our partnership with Compassion International.

Last year, we sponsored 147 children at La Hermosa Church in Guatemala. This year, we’re setting our sights higher—aiming to sponsor 200 more children, impacting both La Hermosa and other churches in Acatenango.

We partner with Compassion International because they are "Christ-centered, church-driven, and child-focused." When you sponsor a child, you’re not only providing resources for life change but stepping into life together with a child God is lovingly pursuing. You become a faithful witness, sharing Jesus' transformative love and truth.

Pray about how God may be leading you to get involved. Let’s continue to be faithful witnesses for the good of La Hermosa, the children, and the entire region!

Compassion International child sponsorship is a key component of how God is holistically transforming young people all over the world. 

“Holistic child development means we begin assisting a child in poverty, in some cases, when the child is still in the womb, and it means we go all the way through young adulthood with the child. This requires a long-term approach and goes beyond simple involvement in the life of a child. It involves long-term dedication and perseverance, and it changes as a child’s needs change. Holistic child development is tailored to a child's age, gender, health, culture, and family situation.” -Compassion International

Our approach is simple. Take the Exodus model of holistic change, do life together with every child and family in our reach via the resources and curriculum from HOPE and Compassion International, for the sake of gospel renewal. 

Our prayer is that everyone will have the opportunity to live a life of victory over the oppression of political, economic, social, and spiritual hurdles they may face in life, to the glory of God.

Thank you for sponsoring children through Compassion International. Your letters are vital for encouraging your sponsored child's emotional and spiritual growth. They convey the powerful message, "God loves you. I love you. I'm with you." Through your letters, you:

-Build self-esteem
-Encourage learning
-Nurture dreams
-Provide a tangible expression of love
-Emphasize a relationship with Jesus

You’re invited to join us in 3 major ways. 

  1. Sponsor a Child with Compassion International: Once a year we will have a Compassion Sunday where you will have the opportunity to enter into life together with a child from Guatemala. 

  2. Letter Writing and Prayer: After you sponsor a child comment to writing letters, speaking Biblical truth to them through letter writing and commit to praying for them and the local church La Hermosa in Guatemala. Download their app to make letter writing easy. 

  3. Take a Trip: Every other year we will take trips to Guatemala to spend time relationally investing in our sponsored children and supporting our local church partner (La Hermosa) and the pastoral staff there.