Local: Belonging to a particular place

We believe that we belong in God's Kingdom, and we learn to live like it through the way of Jesus. We are stubbornly loyal to one another, radically honest, and we believe that we can truly learn to live like we belong.

Follow us on social media! @localvcc


High SChool Camp


High School Camp is our annual summer camp for High School students connected with Local High School Ministry at Valley Community Church. Previously called "Camp Anchored", HS Camp is less like a "traditional" youth camp and more like a big cabin trip that everybody will talk about all year long. HS Camp is a chance to celebrate the past year at Local together, as well as look forward to the year to come.
This year, HS Camp will be held at Dream Mountain Christian Camp in Murphys, CA! This switch allows us to preserve the family vacation style camp we've come to love, while giving us a little more space to roam as our Local community continues to grow! All students will stay on the same property, and we'll have exclusive use of the space. It will be an unforgettable week of adventures, memories, and worship!

Registration opens March 13th.



11:00 AM – 12:30 PM

Sunday mornings are all about digging into the Bible in a laid-back, discussion-based environment. You won’t find many traditional sermons here; instead, you’ll find a group of students asking real questions and seeking honest answers in the Bible.


7:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Wednesday nights are warm and welcoming. We hang out together, catch up on the week, worship together, hear a message about following Jesus in the real world, then go and discuss it in small groups. If you’re new to Local, we really recommend you check out a Wednesday night first!



Jake Lemmer
Student Ministry

Fiona McHugh
Ministry Associate