We believe the care of the church is an every member mission. As you develop relationships and invest yourself in a community, you surround yourself with other apprentices of Jesus who are committed to your wellbeing and flourishing. While our pastoral staff is committed to coming alongside you to offer care, we view your ComGroup as your primary support system and community of care. If you are not involved in a ComGroup, click here to get connected.




Are you suffering grief? You are not alone on your journey of healing! GriefShare is a Christ-centered grief recovery support group where you can find help and healing for the hurt of losing a loved one.

On March 17, we'll be kicking off our 13-week class from 7-8:30PM. We'd love for you to join! Email dane@vc.church with any questions. Please register to attend.

Click here to learn more about GriefShare.


If you are interested in pastoral counseling as an individual, couple, or family, one of our pastors would be happy to meet with you on a short-term basis. We also provide a local network of referrals for longer-term care and specialized needs. To set up a meeting with one of our pastors, email dane@vc.church.


The Benevolence Ministry works to financially assist our church family and those in our local community during times of crisis and need. To find out more about this ministry you can email them at help@vc.church.

Premarital Counseling

Engaged? Congratulations! We offer premarital counseling so you can enter into marriage with as strong a foundation as possible. To learn more about our premarital curriculum or to set up a meeting email dane@vc.church.

Divorce Care

DivorceCare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. Don’t go through separation or divorce alone. We host this group twice a year. Click here for additional information.

Here 4 You

Here 4 You is an outreach to those in the Valley Community Church congregation who have lost a spouse. The purpose is to provide a coordinated outreach and provide an awareness of the available resources at VCC and/or community. This ministry provides care and communication as well as maintenance and minor repairs. For more information click here.