Sundays | Starting 3.5 at 8:00 PM

At the Hearth with CS Lewis is a gathering of “ordinary readers” exploring old books full of marvelous truths beautifully written. We invite you to experience the group with a discussion of Lewis’ most famous sermon “The Weight of Glory” on Sunday, March 5th at 8 PM on Zoom. We hope you’ll then join us the following week as we begin “Prince Caspian,” pondering together: “What wondrous Christian truths do we discover in Narnia?” We meet seasonally on Zoom (and sometimes at Inklings) to read and discuss classic books written by Lewis, books that inspired Lewis, and books written in the spirit of Lewis. Ellen Gray, Stephanie Ann Foster, and Pam Williams will host the group with occasional visits from Pastor Dane and actual Lewis experts! Email to join.

I do not wish the ordinary reader to read no modern books. But if he must read only the new or the old, I would advise him to read the old.”
— C.S. Lewis