Week 6 | Forgetting What Lies Behind
Dane Olney
Week 5 | A Voice In The Wilderness | Matthew 3:1-12
Jake Lemmer
Week 4 | The Land Of The Lost | Hosea 11v1-4 & Matthew 2v13-23
Heath Hardesty
This week we travel with Joseph, Mary, and Jesus to the land of loss. After the exhilarating experience of the wise men's visit, the family's situation is swiftly turned upside down. As they are on the run, hunted, and living as refugees, we are given a view into how God counterintuitively provides, protects, and is present while in the land of loss. God is counterintuitively providing, protecting, and is present in our loss as well! Can we see it? Yet again, the Christmas story helps us to re-see reality so we can love God and love our neighbors well.
Week 3 | Unhurried Trust | Matthew 1v18-25
Joe Jewell
Week 2 | Losing My Religion | Matthew 2v1-12
Dane Olney
Week 1 | A Genealogy Of Loss | Psalm 89v1-4 & Matthew 1v1-17
Heath Hardesty
Advent is upon us. One might wonder how we "Advent well" in a year such as this. It has been a long hard year and many of us have experienced much loss. But one of the great truths of Christmas is that out of loss, God brings new life. Join us this year for a hope-filled exploration of the Christmas story as told in the first chapters of the Gospel of Matthew. This Sunday we look at the loss-riddled genealogy of Jesus and learn of God's happy pattern of turning loss into new life! A great light has come into the darkness!