God is a joyful God. He is, as Dallas Willard once said, "the most joyous being in the universe. The abundance of His love and generosity is inseparable from His infinite joy."  We happily agree! We are told in Matthew 3v17 that the Father delights in His Son. In John 15v11 Jesus tells His apprentices, "My joy I give to you", and in Matthew 25v21 He says, "enter into the joy of your master." In 1 Thessalonians 1v6, Paul speaks of "the joy of the Holy Spirit." And in Luke 24v50-53 when Jesus ascended to the Father, His apprentices "worshipped Him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy and were continually in the temple blessing God." Across the Scriptures we see a joyful God who is graciously at work in the world making for Himself a joyful people. Join us this summer for a five-week journey into the joy of apprenticeship and a theology of delight.

Week 1: The Joy of Apprenticeship

Week 2: The Joy of Salvation

Week 3: The Joy of Obedience

Week 4: Joy & Suffering

Week 5: The Source of Joy