MEDITATIONS WITH JOHN | Vol. 7: The Garden In Reverse
We now come to the betrayal, arrest, crucifixion, and death of Jesus (chapters 18-19). In these chapters, John brilliantly (through his savvy literary artistry) shows us that Jesus is bringing healing to what happened long ago--a cure to the terrible wound that opened in the garden of Eden way back in Genesis chapter three. The healing of the world and the crushing of evil that was prophesied in Genesis is taking on flesh in the passion (the suffering) of Jesus. John writes these events in such a way that we should read them in continual reference to what happened in Eden at the dawn of the breaking of the world. Join us for our new volume of Meditations with John as we see Jesus reverse what happened in the first garden of betrayal. Hidden gospel gems and incredible hyperlinks abound!
The Garden in Reverse | Pt.8 “The Kings Plot”
The Garden in Reverse | Pt. 7 “The King’s Clothes”
The Garden in Reverse | Pt. 6 “All of Us”
The Garden in Reverse | Pt. 5 “Behold The Man”
The Garden in Reverse | Pt. 4 “The Substitute”
The Garden in Reverse | Pt. 3 “Killing Expediency”
The Garden in Reverse | Pt. 2 “The God of Second Chances”
The Garden in Reverse | Pt. 1 “Whom Do You Seek” | John 18v1-12